
How to Wash a Jansport Backpack

Cleaning your JanSport backpack regularly will keep it looking new and smelling fresh. Before beginning, always consult its label for specific instructions - most bags require warm water and mild detergent as an effective cleaning agent.

Before washing your bag, empty its contents of any loose dirt and debris to prevent zipper snags or strap snarls.


Jansport backpacks come in many different colors, materials and sizes to meet various needs.

Their varieties of fabric range from synthetic materials like polyester and nylon to cotton or leather/faux leather; its crucial that you know which kind it is before trying to wash it as the type will dictate which cleaning products and washing methods can safely be used.

In order to prevent metal frames, pockets or straps becoming trapped in your washing machine and damaging its fabric it may also be wise to take steps like taking out any metal frames first before beginning washing processes.

If your backpack is made from synthetic material, hand washing it may be best to protect both its fabric and color from fading.

Fill a bathtub or sink with cool to lukewarm water and add laundry detergent; soak the backpack for 15 minutes, rinsing afterwards thoroughly.

For optimal results without bleach or fabric softener use.

Before beginning to clean your Jansport backpack, it is wise to test both water and detergent on an inconspicuous area of its surface first.

This will ensure that none of its chemicals do any lasting damage to its fabric or its hardware.

Pre treatment stain remover can do wonders in treating even the toughest of stains on a backpack.

Apply it with a damp cloth, rub over any affected areas and use a toothbrush if necessary to scrub away ground-in stains or hard-to-reach spots.

After you’ve scrubbed them away, let your bag air dry completely before repacking it.


Jansport backpacks are constructed of various materials and require specific detergents for proper care. Consult the bag’s care tag to learn what detergent to use; this tag will indicate whether the bag is made from synthetic fabrics such as polyester and nylon; natural fabrics like cotton; or leather/faux leather and whether machine washing or hand washing would be best.

Most backpacks are composed of multiple fabrics, so selecting an appropriate detergent to protect both fabric and leather.

A mild detergent without dyes or bleach should be chosen; additionally, pre treating any stains prior to washing with stain pre treatments for approximately 30 minutes can make it easier to scrub away stains while cleaning your backpack.

Before washing a Jansport backpack, remove all items. Fill a tub or large sink with lukewarm water and mix in some laundry detergent. Submerge the backpack for approximately 15 minutes so the detergent can break down oils and dirt deposits on its surface.

Afterward, swish around in the soapy bath until its contents run clear before rinsing it off using cold water until all soap residue has been rinsed away completely.

Rinse the backpack thoroughly with cool water, then blot dry it using a towel. Avoid placing it in the dryer as this could damage its fabric and lead to premature brittleness; hang the pack up for air drying instead, placing it near a fan to speed up this process, or placing it somewhere with ventilation so you can store it away from direct sunlight after drying completely.

Machine Washing

Jansport’s Cordura and 600D Polyester fabrics used in their Right Pack, Big Student, and SuperBreak backpacks require only a quick rinse in cool water to return their appearance to new.

If there is an unsightly stain that won’t disappear with that method alone, use a sponge lightly dampened in cool water with detergent to carefully scrub at it - bleach can discolor fabric and leather material that cannot be undone!

If you are uncertain if your backpack can be washed in the washer, first double-check its label for washing instructions. If washing in the machine is an option for you, place it inside a mesh laundry bag or pillowcase large enough to contain it as this will protect zippers and straps from being caught up with other items in the machine, while keeping loose dirt out.

Fill a large bucket with cold or lukewarm water, mixing in a small amount of mild detergent. Submerge the backpack for several minutes in this solution before thoroughly rinsing away any soap residue from its exterior surface.

After your backpack is cleaned in the washer, remove it from the machine and shake off excess water before hanging it to dry in a well-ventilated area with ample sunlight and air circulation.

When completely dry, hang your backpack to dry in an appropriate environment that has sunlight as well as air circulation - once completely dried it’s ready for its next adventure! Just remember to close all pockets and compartments prior to use; this will protect its fabric and protect belongings from rusting or mildewing. Ideally you should wash it at least once every month in order to preserve its durability!

Hand Washing

Although Jansport recommends handwashing its backpacks to maintain peak condition, sometimes machine washing may be necessary. Please refer to your care tag for any special instructions or warnings regarding machine washing before starting your wash cycle. Also be sure to turn your backpack inside out and close all zippers and straps completely before beginning; this will prevent them from becoming tangled up during the process and being damaged during its process.

Next, fill a large tub with lukewarm water and mix in mild laundry detergent. Dip a cloth into this mixture and wring it out to remove excess liquid before wiping down all surfaces of your backpack with special attention given to any dirt or stains. Upon finishing, rinse the backpack in clean cool water until all soapy residue has been completely eliminated.

After washing is complete, allow your backpack to air-dry in an area free of direct sunlight and hang it rather than lay it flat to ensure adequate airflow and avoid mold or damp spots. For faster drying times, run a fan at low speed over it to expedite drying time.

If you can’t find an effective spot treatment to remove stains on your bag, try creating your own solution at home. Distilled white vinegar and baking soda may work wonders in treating common Jansport backpack stains; but be sure to test first on a small corner to ensure it won’t damage fabric or seams.


Before washing a backpack, make sure to read its tags for specific wash instructions. Some are only machine-washable while others require hand washing only. If machine-washable, empty all pockets and zippers so they do not become caught during the cycle; use cold or lukewarm water with mild detergent for this step and avoid hot water as this could damage fabric or fade colors faster; rinse well afterwards and hang upside-down for faster drying times in areas without direct sunlight.

Hand washing a Jansport pack should always be performed using cold water in order to preserve its fabric from shrinking or bleeding, along with using gentle laundry detergent and soft brushes for any dirt or stains that accumulate over time. Once cleaned, allow it to air dry completely before using again as any direct heat could weaken and damage its fabric, leading to tears or even rips in future use.

To extend the life of your Jansport backpack, aim to give it regular maintenance by cleaning it at least once every month. When using spot treatments for stains or bleach as this could discolor fabric. When washing in a machine, use only cold or lukewarm cycles with cool water and mild detergent - never put it in the dryer as this could ruin fabric or even rip off straps; hang your bag outside or in an well-ventilated space until dry!
